Philly was almost the same as the last time, humid as hell. Since I didn't transport my bike or wet suit with me, I focused on running. Most of my runs were pretty ez since I ran them with my colleague from SLC. On Sunday I strolled through a long run, which was - at the finish - surprisingly demanding. Humidity took its toll and I reached the anaerobic threshold only by running at the ez pace. That's my engine to you...
An 45 minutes later after returning to the old continent I found myself swimming open water for 20 minutes. It was short but totally awesome after spending 1.5 days traveling. On Thursday evening I did a short shake-out ride to wake up my legs for Friday's workout.
Yesterday, Friday, was sort of my final preparation for the IM. I did 5 hours ride (153km) which was divided into 2 hrs of ez pace, 1 hour of strength, 15 minutes again at ez pace followed by 1 hour at race pace and cool down. Since I had to push the race pace as well as the cool down into head wind, the last section of the workout did not go as planned, but I do not worry about that. My mind was happy all the time and that makes me joyful.
Oh, and now I think that I have my mantra to help me through the streets of Copenhagen.
I'm really looking forward to the race day!!! T-15
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