Friday, September 27, 2013

Sort of ok

So the tt-bike finally arrived, and I assembled right after it found its way to our residence. That's a mean machine which I'm not. Hhmmm... the bike does not yet have a nick name.

No more than five (5, that is not a lot) days after the above I generated an early-stage injury with that same mean machine. The reason basically was caused because of my eagerness to try that bike. The saddle was adjusted slightly too high and it generated tension in my right butt.

And this killed my vibe for 1.5 weeks. But I kept my calm and ran instead of riding. Now it is almost gone and accordingly I'm able to bounce back (to where???).

On the swim front I have been attending a swim practice sessions (once a week) during which we focus on improving the technique. That's highly needed. Further, I have a timeslot for swimming on Saturday morning. That's even more appreciated. Last Saturday I swam 2000m in a row. That's my longest swim ever.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

No hurry, slow progress

Currently the triathlon training is minimal. I have full focus on getting my legs used to mileage and as of now, everything is working fine. Pain (and related numbness) are gone and strides are more and more stable. Pace is slow, but that's nothing. Last week I ran more than I did during July-August. Awesome!

Swim practice will start on next week or later. That's an open book, but luckily I registered for a swim clinic in order to improve the non-existing swimming technique. Maybe they teach how-not-to-hit a sailing boat and how to manage your nerves when the sea around you is restless.

And my TT-bike is now traveling from the UK. Gotta find a nice nickname for it...